26 Egyptians injured in Hajj stampede

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“Egypt’s Ministry of Religious Endowments released, Saturday, the names of 26 Egyptians who were injured in the stampede at the end of the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia last Thursday. A total of 14 Egyptians were reportedly killed in the incident. The incident took place in Mina as the Hajj pilgrimage reached its conclusion, and left more …‎”

Egypt’s Ministry of Religious Endowments released, Saturday, the names of 26 Egyptians who were injured in the stampede at the end of the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia last Thursday.

A total of 14 Egyptians were reportedly killed in the incident. The incident took place in Mina as the Hajj pilgrimage reached its conclusion, and left more than 700 pilgrims dead.

The Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments said the Hajj delegation from Egypt have confirmed casualties from amongst those who attended from their side. It added that officials are staying in contact with hospitals in Saudi Arabia, in case new bodies are identified.

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz ordered a ministerial reshuffle following the deadly incident, with officials blaming the catastrophe on pilgrims “who didn’t follow the instructions”.

Iran, however, blamed a convoy belonging to a Saudi prince for triggering the panic that led to the stampede.

This year’s Hajj has already witnessed the collapse of a construction crane which landed partially on the Grand Mosque during a violent rainstorm, killing 107 pilgrims and injuring 238 others.‎(Daily News Egypt)

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