15 Things Governor Oshiomhole Cannot Find That He Claims Okonjo-Iweala Misappropriated

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1. Edo State Civil Servant Salaries:


It is well known that as governor, Adams Oshiomhole is in complete control of the finances of Edo State; yet civil servants have not been paid for months. Of course, this has nothing to do with Oshiomhole’s (mis)management savvy and vision for the state, or the foreign trips he took during one of which he met his young Cape Verdean wife. But the non-payment of workers’ salaries has everything to do with the fact that former minister of finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, was present in Edo state every day of Oshiomhole’s term, neglecting her Federal duties, to personally oversee the leakage of monies from Edo State’s coffers so that civil servants in Oshiomhole’s state would not get paid.


2. The keys to his Lexus LX570


This morning when Governor Oshiomhole was on his way to address a press conference apparently to announce how Okonjo-Iweala was responsible for the misappropriation of the chicken he was to eat last night, he realised that his driver could not find his car keys. Oh, so much has changed for a mighty labour leader who used to drive himself and now has too many cars in his convoy to count. He was about to shout on his driver for his stupidity when suddenly it hit him — Okonjo-Iweala had struck again and misappropriated his keys! He is planning on staging another press conference later this afternoon to publicly ask Okonjo-Iweala to return them to him, as his lack of mobility is severely hampering his ability to attend to government business.

Oshiomole eventually had to break the back window to get in and jump start the car


3. Nigeria’s Pet Unicorn


Oshiomhole also wants Nigerians to know that this country was once in possession of a beautiful green and white unicorn with the most fabulous shimmering wings…that is until it went missing sometime in the last four years. Apparently, it was originally kept in a CBN vault, converted into a stable by Emir of Kano and former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. Oshiomhole claims that once Sanusi left office to pursue his courtly ambitions, Okonjo-Iweala crept into the CBN under cover of darkness (apparently he says there is security footage of a shortish woman wearing gele, though you can’t see her face) and the next morning when staffers returned to the CBN for work, Nigeria’s magical unicorn had disappeared. He is planning to ask for a full EFCC investigation into the matter. 


4. APC’s Lost Vision

The APC has been in power for about 3 months now and we already see the party structure disintegrating. Tinubu is fighting Buhari, Tinubu is fighting Saraki, Tinubu is fighting Fashola. These days it seems like Tinubu is fighting everybody.  This has nothing to do with the fact that the APC leaders are a bunch of extremely egotistical and disorganized power hungry  men and everything to do with the fact that Okonjo-Iweala has been seen lurking around their meetings, secretly misappropriating APC’s sense of purpose and vision. In a press statement released yesterday, Oshiomhole accused Okonjo-Iweala of gross mismanagement of the APC stating: “the only person with the ability to cause a loss of focus of this magnitude in so short a time is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. She has somehow managed to infiltrate the APC and singlehandedly scatter all of our grand plans for Nigeria. This woman must be stopped.”


5. Buhari’s Ministerial List 


The new president’s spokesperson claimed that Buhari is not releasing a ministerial list because of his desire not to make hasty decisions, but recently in another press release, Governor Oshiomhole enlightened Nigerians that the real reason Buhari has not released a list of cabinet officials is that Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is responsible for its misappropriation. His press statement reads: “while there is no incontrovertible evidence that Okonjo-Iweala was directly responsible for the disappearance of Buhari’s ministerial list, we do know that she was indeed somewhere in Nigeria at the time and, if not in Nigeria, she was certainly somewhere on the planet earth. Thus, we can only conclude that she has everything to do with the missing list. We call upon honest Nigerians to stop this lady, end her mischief and return this list so that the good people of Nigeria can kick sai Baba into high gear.

6. Nigeria’s Old Military Service Chiefs 


While the news today is that Buhari has appointed new service chiefs to lead Nigeria’s armed forces and steer the country’s military in a new more effective direction, Oshiomhole has come out to say that the real reason for new service chiefs is that Okonjo-Iweala has kidnapped and is holding the old service chiefs — including NSA Dasuki — in captivity at an undisclosed location, somewhere on this planet. When asked how it’s possible for Okonjo-Iweala to kidnap some of the most heavily guarded men in the country — including Nigeria’s former chief intelligence officer, Oshiomhole said — “this woman has some serious powers… everything she touches just disappears.”

 (Okonjo Iweala Misappropriated this picture)

7. Malaysia Airlines flight 370


Oshiomhole has actually suggested that Okonjo-Iweala be questioned in the disappearance of Malaysia Air flight 370 (MH370/MAS370).  He is convinced that the only person who can make an airplane vanish into thin air is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. “There is no other woman in the world capable of such a thing.” 

malaysiaairlines.jpgOkonjo-Iweala was seen lurking around before this airplane went missing


8. Jesus Christ


Oshiomhole is also relatively certain that it’s not a divine miracle and the work of God that led to an empty tomb three days after Jesus’ crucifixion, but actually Okonjo-Iweala who travelled back in time 2000 years to conspire to move the body and place the angel at the entrance to the tomb just before Mary and her companions arrived. He plans to release a detailed investigative report into the matter later this month complete with statements from all 12 apostles. 

emptytomb.jpg The tomb from which Okonjo-Iweala misappropriated Jesus

9. His hair


It is well known that Oshiomhole used to have a full head of hair. But somehow over the last 50 years of his life, those hairs suddenly started to vanish. After consulting numerous doctors as to how to stop the process, Oshiomhole has come to the conclusion that since the day he was born, Okonjo-Iweala has secretly been taking his hairs, one by one in an effort to hamper his ability to govern his cash-strapped state. He has promised to engage President Barack Obama during his flyover trip through Nigeria to lend US intelligence capabilities to help locate where Okonjo-Iweala has stashed years’ worth of his missing hair.

Check out that receding hairline


10. His Standing with the Oba of Benin

 Oshiomhole’s current troubles with the Oba of Benin are actually the work of Okonjo-Iweala.  She personally instructed the mighty Oba of Benin to banish him from the palace and it has been said the she was responsible for the initial misdemeanour that lead to his banishment from the Oba’s palace.


11. Buhari’s Votes in Edo State


The last presidential election saw the incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari lose in Edo State. While some APC stalwarts have grumbled that Oshiomole was not able to deliver the state to the party, Oshiomole has disclosed the real reason for APCs loss: Okonjo-Iweala single handedly rigged and thumb printed over 1 million ballots in the state in one night.


12.)  His memory

Oshiomhole also claims that his memory has been misappropriated by Okonjo-Iweala. When Edo state workers reminded him how he started as a union leader and a friend of the masses, not knowing that all those were mere stunts to climb the ladder of political success,  Oshiomhole claimed that Okonjo-Iweala’s stealing his thoughts is the reason he has forgotten the masses. 


Oshiomole puts on his thinking cap

13.  His Priorities:

Rather than face his immediate task of governance, Oshiomhole recently married a Cape Verdean lady, young enough to be his last daughter, while the state has been made to foot the bill of his lavish wedding and flight tickets for his cape Verdean in-laws and well-wishers. But all of this was really at the suggestion of Okonjo-Iweala who has stolen our man’s priorities and makes him think upside down.


14. His Respect for Nigerians :

The whole world squirmed in disgust when Oshiomhole rose up one day, in the name of sanitising a deprived state, and after maltreating a poor widow, told the poor woman in the full glare of the camera, “You are a widow, hen? GO AND DIE!” This was classic Okonjo-Iweala. In broad daylight, she quickly appeared and stole his respect for the common people of this country causing him to utter such terrible words.

15. There was supposed to be one more, but as of this writing Oshiomole has informed us that Okonjo-Iweala has misappropriated that too!

Temisan Jackson writes from Warri, Delta State.

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